PCI DSS Requirement 2 – Changes from v3.2.1 to v4.0 Explained

In our last discussion, we explored the evolution of Requirement 1 in the transition from PCI DSS v3.2.1 to v4.0, with a particular emphasis on the move towards ‘network security controls’. As we continue our exploration of the updated PCI DSS v4.0, today’s focus will be on the transformations in Requirement 2.

As a reminder, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a comprehensive set of security requirements that all organizations handling cardholder data must adhere to. These requirements’ main objective is to safeguard sensitive cardholder information and mitigate data breaches.

With the impending retirement of PCI DSS v3.2.1 on March 31st, 2024, it becomes imperative for organizations to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the enhanced PCI DSS v4.0. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the modifications introduced in Requirement 2 from v3.2.1 to v4.0.So, let’s get started! To learn more about the other requirements of PCI DSS, check out our comprehensive guide on the “12 requirements of PCI DSS.”

Modification to Requirement 2 from PCI DSS v3.2.1 to PCI DSS v4.0:

Requirement 2 in PCI DSS v4.0 has undergone a notable revision in its core requirement title. The focus has now transitioned towards ‘secure configurations’, deviating from the earlier concentration on vendor-supplied defaults. This modification mirrors the dynamic nature of data security, where a universal solution is no longer viable. Instead, organizations are now urged to establish and implement secure configurations that are uniquely suited to their specific needs.

The updated Requirement 2 mandates that organizations: “Apply Secure Configurations to All System Components.” This wide-ranging directive covers all system components within an organization, underscoring the necessity for a holistic and customized approach to data security.

This transition towards secure configurations is in line with the changes we examined in Requirement 1, where the spotlight was shifted from traditional ‘firewalls’ and ‘routers’ to ‘network security controls.’ Collectively, these modifications highlight the PCI Security Standards Council’s dedication to staying abreast of emerging threats and technologies.

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Also Read:- PCI DSS Requirement 1 – Changes from v3.2.1 to v4.0 Explained

New Requirement 2.1.2: A new requirement, 2.1.2, has been introduced, emphasizing the importance of clearly defining and understanding roles and responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities associated with Requirement 2 must be documented, assigned, and understood by all relevant personnel.

Testing Procedures:

2.1.2.a: Review the documentation to ensure that the roles and responsibilities for activities in Requirement 2 are properly documented and assigned.

2.1.2.b: Conduct interviews with personnel responsible for activities in Requirement 2 to confirm that roles and responsibilities are assigned as documented and are understood.

Purpose: The formal assignment of roles and responsibilities is crucial. Without it, personnel may not be aware of their daily responsibilities, and critical activities may not be carried out.

Good Practice: Roles and responsibilities can be documented within policies and procedures or maintained within separate documents. As part of communicating roles and responsibilities, entities can consider having personnel acknowledge their acceptance and understanding of their assigned roles and responsibilities.

Examples: One method to document roles and responsibilities is a responsibility assignment matrix, also known as a RACI matrix, which includes who is responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.

Note on Requirement 2.6: Please note that Requirement 2.6 has been removed from v3.2.1. This was a ‘null’ requirement, meaning all its content pointed to other requirements. Therefore, it was deemed redundant and has been eliminated for clarity and efficiency.


You can also watch the video on PCI DSS Requirement 2:

Also Read : PCI DSS Requirement 3


We trust that you now have a detailed grasp of the modifications in the requirements. For any questions, we suggest referring to the official PCI DSS website for a more exhaustive comprehension. At VISTA InfoSec, our aim is to add value by undertaking meticulous research and smoothly integrating these alterations. More insights into these requirement changes can be found in the sections that follow. We also encourage you to check out our previous and upcoming blogs on the changes in requirements from v3.2.1 to v4.0 in PCI DSS. We appreciate your time spent reading this. Thank you.

Lets us help you

Need help navigating PCI DSS v4.0? We have been active in the PCI DSS space since 2008 and even certify payment brand. Our PCI DSS services provide assurance on card security controls, with offerings for both product platform and backend services attestation.

We have a dedicated team of auditors and a separate team for consulting/advisory assignments to even help our esteemed clients to define processes and achieve compliance.

We have completed multiple PCI DSS 4.0 certifications too right from scoping to Readiness Assessment, Advisory and Final Certification.

We are vendor neutral and have a strict no-outsourcing policy. We can also assist you with the technical assessments needed for PCI DSS Compliance – Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing, Network Segmentation Testing, Network Architecture Review, Firewall Assessment, Secure Configuration Assessment, Web and Mobile Application Security Assessment, and Secure Code Review.