How IoT Is Changing Government Security?

How IoT Is Changing Government Security

IoT has emerged as a concept in the early 2000s. Since then, this technology has been adapted to facilitate more innovative building technologies and improved security strategies. It looks like IoT is here to stay and will be the future of building technology and security. According to Statista, there are currently 3.65 billion IoT-connected devices worldwide. Covering more on this, let us in today’s article learn about IoT and its benefits for government entities and how using IoT improves security strategies.

Considerations for IoT Security Implementation

IoT technology can optimize the security strategy for safeguarding government assets and information. However, any entity introducing IoT in its security strategy must make specific considerations before implementing these technologies. Let us learn about the risk associated with IoT and also understand the IoT security tools for government security.

What Are The Risks?

The risks associated with using IoT technology cannot be ignored. If unauthorized users intercept IoT security tools, security data will be breached, and unauthorized users may access the remote features of your security tools. Ensuring adequate cybersecurity protection for your IoT security elements is essential.

So, to shield your IoT security from potential security threats, there are some basic securities to implement:

  • Ensuring there are no weak passwords you must educate employees and security staff to create strong passwords and frequently change passwords to avoid the interception of sensitive data.
  • Avoid products with hard-coded passwords.
  • Implementing MFA (Multi-factor Authentication) protocols.
  • Establishing a Zero-trust Security strategy only grants employees access to the information they need.
  • Ensuring that all devices are physically protected to avoid interference or damage.


Should you implement these basic security principles in your security strategy you can minimize the risk of interception and data breach.

IoT Security Tools for Government Security

IoT security tools and technologies are the foundation for designing an intelligent building security system. These technologies can help you form the basis for your enhanced security strategy to create a more user-friendly experience for your security staff and provide more accurate security data.

IoT Devices – Access Control Technology

The access control technology is a physical security measure that you can use to establish IoT and cloud-based technologies across your whole security strategy. You can integrate access control technology with other features in your security system, such as security cameras and visitor management software, for a more cohesive user experience. An integrated security system allows your security staff to understand security events better and respond more effectively.

The access control technology is operated using mobile credentials stored on employee devices. Bluetooth access readers can communicate with mobile devices while they are stored inside pockets and bags, which increases the convenience of this security feature. This way, you can enhance security at government facilities without inconveniencing users and employees.

You can integrate access control with visitor management software that allows for digital registration forms filled out by building visitors. Visitor management systems allow for better documentation of visitors and their access to facilities within the building using internal door locks.

Internal Access Control

You can install access control door locks externally to prevent unauthorized users from entering the building. Additionally, you can install them internally to provide a Zero-Trust Physical Security Strategy.

A Zero-Trust security strategy does not infer the trustworthiness of employees and visitors. Zero-trust security is essential for government buildings to ensure that employees and visitors are only granted permission to certain areas. Internal door locks can notify security staff of entry attempts and security events inside your building to create a more efficient system for identifying unauthorized access within the building.

Internal door locks can also be integrated with occupancy management technology, allowing energy savings by disabling devices and appliances in unoccupied rooms. This same technology will also provide data concerning a building’s utility and how frequently the facilities are used. This can educate decisions regarding downsizing that could decrease monthly overhead costs.

Integrated IoT Technologies

You can integrate access control with a video camera feed to provide all information on one interface for a more user-friendly platform for your security staff. Correlating access logs and security camera information can be time-consuming and hinder a fast-acting response to security incidents.

Incidents of misappropriated access credentials can be more easily spotted when your security team can view access logs and video feed information side by side on one interface. Without integrating these features, it will take longer for your team to coordinate time stamps and view the information needed to assess the incident.

Since misappropriated access devices are the most prominent concern with a RFID door entry system, investing in better methods for identifying unauthorized access.

AI And Analytics

AI and analytics can help you optimize your security system and decrease the workload for your security staff. Security cameras are mainly used to deter crime and provide evidence for security incidents. They do not have the time to consistently monitor the video camera feed, which makes them less likely to spot a potential security event. There may be a large number of cameras which makes it impossible to monitor all feeds consistently.

With AI and analytics, it is possible to create alerts and triggers for potential security incidents that notify your team immediately. You can enhance the function of your current security features by using AI and analytics to detect imminent threats. Your security team will be better equipped to identify security incidents, respond to them quickly, and prevent any losses, damage, or interception of sensitive data.

Analytics can also be applied to your cybersecurity strategy and access control technologies to trigger alerts for various security threats.

The Benefits of IoT for Government Security

The General Service Administration reports many benefits government entities can receive from implementing IoT in their security strategy.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

By implementing AI and analytics in their security strategy, government entities can ensure that workflows are assigned automatically, and anomalous data doesn’t go undetected. Removing manual workflow assignments significantly increases the rapidity of incident response.

Greater Occupant and User Satisfaction

With cloud-based access control, users are far less likely to forget their mobile device than a keycard or fob. They can also enter more quickly and hygienically with the wave-to-unlock feature.

Better Fault Detection

IoT technologies allow government security staff to remain up-to-date on security information anywhere. If a fault is detected in your system, they will receive a mobile alert that allows them to respond quickly, regardless of their performing other duties on or off-site.

Improving Your Security Team’s Productivity

By implementing AI and analytics for your security system, you can relieve your security team of the responsibility of consistently monitoring surveillance feed and security data. By eliminating manual monitoring practices, you can improve your security team’s productivity by freeing up their time to focus on more important tasks.


The pandemic has increased the potential for cloud-based technologies and has propelled them into the security sphere. Government security entities can keep up with the changing nature of physical and digital security by implementing IoT technologies that facilitate a futureproof security strategy. Granted the proper basic security protocols surrounding IoT are implemented, then there will be minimal risk when introducing IoT technologies into your security strategy.